Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned When Building AI SaaS Solutions

This meetup features Ying Zhou, Senior Director at Oracle. Ying presents a fascinating talk on ‘Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned When Building AI SaaS Solutions’.

Ying Zhou started building their first AI SaaS solution in 2016, there are countless things they learned on this journey. In this talk, Ying shared with us the mistakes they made.

How they almost failed?

What lessons they learned?

Why they made the current design decisions?

About the speaker: Ying is head of the OCI AI framework in Oracle. She works with the senior leadership teams to deliver Oracle AI SaaS solutions.

Before Oracle, Ying has worked in both financial and telecom sectors to transform legacy systems with modern big data architecture. iO Associates, tech and digital recruitment specialists, have always been a very active member of multiple Meetup groups across the UK.

Discover more .NET talks here.

Watch ‘Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned When Building AI SaaS Solutions’ on-demand here:

31/03/2023 7:00 pm

Location: Online

Presented by:

Ying Zhou

Product Manager, Microsoft

Connect with Ying