Docker is a gateway drug – New tricks learned by an old dog

Carl Sargunar joined the session, Technical Director at Mondo Media and The Green Crocodile Company, who will be giving us his insight into the topic: ‘Docker is a gateway drug – New tricks learned by an old dog’.

As an old-school dotNET developer, who had spent a lot of time building web applications on IIS – first using WebForms and then MVC, and when Docker came along, although I thought it was cool, Carl largely ignored it for many years. Until one day he didn’t….

In this talk he goes through his journey of discovery – learning about docker, about micro-service architecture and container architecture, about how it can help the local development process, how it helps teams, and some of the really cool things it can do.

In 10 tips and tricks, he’ll go through some of the things he’s learned, that have helped him, and that are just plain cool. Without giving away too many spoilers it will involve Linux, raspberry Pis, and a certain mid 90s first-person shooter, although not all at the same time.

Carl has been building websites and apps for various clients for the last 20 years, from running agencies to direct clients, and generally integrating the heck out of systems. He enjoys learning new things and sharing what he has learned.

Many of the .NET community know Carl for his large presence in the community – as a speaker at events like Codegarden, Umbraco Spark and DDD SouthWest, as well as the .NET SouthWest Meetup which he is a co-organiser of.

He’s been in web and application development from the early days of .NET – starting when 1.1 was released and using every version professionally since – focusing on predominantly web and cloud technology but with a bit of application and mobile development thrown in. He aspires to be the proverbial swiss army knife that Scott Hanselman uses as an example in his talks – good at one thing, but with a lot of other areas of experience.

Discover more .NET talks here.

16/05/2023 6:30 pm

Location: Online


Presented by:

Carl Sargunar

Technical Director, Mondo Media

Connect with Carl




Modern C++, Software Design and Qt for Embedded Systems

This invaluable talk focusses on 3 main questions. Are design patterns still relevant today? In the C++ community, why don‘t we talk more about software design? How had modern C++ changed the way we implement design patterns?

Our amazing guest speakers for this session include:  John Lakos (Manager Bloomberg and Author), Klaus Iglberger (C++ Software design specialist and trainer), Allan Jones (C++ Software specialist).

Discover more .NET talks here.

Watch ‘Engineering Virtual Meetup’ on-demand here:

12/07/2023 6:30 pm

Location: Online




What does it really mean to be a Woman in Tech?

What does it really mean to be a Woman in Tech?’.

We are thrilled to have Sarah Persov, a prominent woman in tech, as our keynote speaker for this event. She shares her perspective on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, and discusses the challenges and opportunities for women in tech particularly in the .NET environment.

We also hear a lightning talk from ‘Just Eats’ very own Chloe Allanwho shares her own experiences, insights, and practical advice on navigating the industry.

Chloe is a Technology Manager at Just Eat, and speaks about her experience in becoming a manager. Chloe is also the global lead for the women in tech community and she has made a huge impact in driving more initiatives.

Her talk focusses on her recent progression into management and she will link this to the support she received from the internal women in tech community.

There is also a Q+A session at the end!

Join the iO .Net London Meetup Group!

Discover more .NET talks here.


23/05/2023 6:00 pm

Location: Online


Presented by:

Sarah Persov

Engineering Team Lead, Dojo

Connect with Sarah




Why you should give the Umbraco CMS a go

iO Associates introduces our second instalment of .Net Cardiff Meetup, organised by iO’s Senior Consultant Charlotte Herapath.

Owain Williams, Umbraco .Net Developer, Spindog presents the topic: ‘Why you should give the Umbraco CMS a go’.

Umbraco is a .Net Core CMS which is used by thousands of websites around the world and in this talk Owain discusses what options you have when you decide you want to give Umbraco a go.

Owain is a 5x Umbraco MVP, .Net Edinburgh and Edinburgh Umbraco Users Group event organiser and .Net Developer at Spindogs.

Join the .Net Cardiff Meetup Group!

Discover more .NET talks here.

14/05/2023 6:30 pm

Location: Online


Presented by:

Owain Williams

Umbraco .Net Developer, Spindogs

Connect with Owain




Jon Skeet & Paul Bevis Thames Valley Meetup

The legendary Jon Skeet, (Staff Developer Platform Engineer at Google) gives an insightful talk on ‘How Jon thinks when he is coding.’ Accompanying Jon is Paul Bevis the incredible CTO at FSP Speaking on ‘Sustainable Demand Shaping’.

Jon Skeet is a Staff Developer Platform Engineer at Google, working on Google Cloud Platform client libraries for .NET, based in the London office. He’s best known for contributions to Stack Overflow as well as his book, C# in Depth. Additionally, he is the primary maintainer of the Noda Time date/time library for .NET.

We also have the brilliant Paul Bevis who is the CTO at FSP Speaking on ‘Sustainable Demand Shaping’. FSP is at the forefront of digital transformation and cybersecurity excellence. He has a deep technical background honed through a passion for software development, problem-solving, and new technology. He started out as a Senior Solutions architect back in 2011. Taking on multiple roles over the years he has been a core pillar in the success of FSP.

Discover more .NET talks here.

14/06/2023 6:00 pm

Location: Online


Presented by:

Jon Skeet

Staff Developer Relations Engineer, Google

Connect with Jon




The Legend of the T-Shaped Developer

Traditionally, organisations have favoured I-shaped developers: a type of specialist that has honed a deep and pretty specific area of expertise. Now, besides having a defined area of expertise that goes deep into one field, T-shaped developers also have a broad knowledge in other areas of expertise such as DevOps, Cloud, or UX. Why is this shift occurring? Scroll down to watch this iO Meetup.

This talk covers EDA with Cosmos & Event Hubs, Upgrading Azure Functions to .Net 7’s Isolated Model and Leveraging DevOps Practices to help Reduce Tech Debt. Bringing you 3 lightning talks that all link back to The Legend of the T-Shaped Developer!

We are joined by Ian Griffiths (Principal Engineer), Adam Cullen (Enterprise Architect), and Chris Taylor (Director of Engineering (DevOps)).

Ian is a Principal Engineer at Confused.com and has been building full stack, cloud-hosted applications on AWS and Azure for nearly 10 years. He regularly wonders to himself about how many of the concepts he learned when he started being a professional developer working on IBM mainframes are still relevant and valid today.

His talk titled “Upgrading Azure Functions to .Net 7’s Isolated Model” is a demonstration of taking a .Net 6 HTTP-triggered in-process function and updating it to run as a .Net 7 out-of-process function.

Discover more .NET talks here.

Watch ‘The Legend of the T-Shaped Developer’ on-demand here:

28/06/2023 6:30 pm

Location: Online

Presented by:

Ian Griffiths

Engineer, Confused.com




Ultra-High Reliability Architectures for Financial Software

When building a banking platform from scratch reliability is a core concern. You have to make sure that every payment and card transaction goes through without a hitch or your customers will stop trusting you. So how do you build a system that is optimised for reliability, how do you test that reliability, and how do you retain it as your numbers scale?

We are joined by Jason Maude (Chief Technology Advocate at Starling Bank) who presents a talk on ‘Ultra-High Reliability Architecture at Scale’.

Jason Maude is a coder, coach, and public speaker. He has over a decade of experience working in the financial sector, primarily in creating and delivering software. He is passionate about explaining complex technical concepts to those who are convinced that they won’t be able to understand them. He currently works at Starling Bank as their Chief Technology Advocate and host of the Starling podcast.

Discover more .NET talks here.

Watch ‘Ultra-High Reliability Architectures for Financial Software’ on-demand here:

05/07/2023 6:00 pm

Location: Online


Presented by:

Jason Maude

Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank

Connect with Jason