Language Evolution and Async Orchestration

We’re delighted to be partnering with Confused.com for our latest .NET Cardiff Meetup. This event brings together two thought-provoking talks that delve into the evolution of programming languages and innovative coding techniques. Whether you’re interested in the historical and philosophical aspects of programming or looking for practical ways to enhance your C# code, this event has something for everyone.

Event Details

  • Date: Thursday 19th September
  • Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Location: Confused.com, 2nd floor, Greyfriars House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff (CF10 3AL)
  • Register: Complete the registration form at the bottom of this page to secure your spot

The Talks

The Past, Present and Future of Programming Languages (Kevlin Henney)

Programming languages are a halfway house between the metal and the mind, a bridge between the world of circuits and the world of applications, the engineered and the social. Programming languages are the medium through which developers codify systems and fragments. In each programming language is embedded a philosophy (or many) of how to think about code, how to organise thoughts, how to design. Programming languages also define skillsets, ecosystems, jobs, loyalties and communities.

When we think of software and technology we often think in terms of progress and rapid change. Programming languages, however, typically move at a far slower pace. Mainstream languages are still embracing ideas that are decades old. Constructs that developers welcome as new to their language of choice are often older than the developers themselves. And over all this hangs the question, what of the future? How will current trends, from FOSS to LLMs, shape programming languages and their use? In this talk, we will take a tour of the past, present and future of programming languages.

Async method chaining in C# => super clear orchestration code (Andrew Poole, ClearBank)

What if there was a way to declaratively describe a chain or flow of async methods, which could be used when handling API requests or messages from a service bus queue or actually anywhere?

Recently, while refactoring a growing piece of business logic, Andrew found a way to achieve this. The logical conclusion is that related flows can be described in one place, in a single piece of orchestration, which is very easy to understand, navigate and debug.

The Speakers

Kevlin Henney

Kevlin is an independent consultant, trainer, coder, speaker and writer based in Bristol. He’s interested in development practices, programming languages, software design and developer culture, as well as a bunch of other things you can ask him about over a drink. He’s co-authored two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series and edited and contributed to a number of O’Reilly’s 97 Things books.

Andrew Poole

Andrew  has been writing code for a living for 15+ years, most recently as an L5 Senior Software Engineer at ClearBank since 2020. He loves solving problems, design and architecture, communicating ideas and the incredible creativity of software engineering. He’s interested in event sourcing, immutable architecture and distributed systems. He also enjoy mentoring others and building great team culture. He has previously been a successful team lead, but what really drives him is striving to write elegant, intentional code which is easy to understand and maintain. He absolutely loves C# and only really dabbles in other languages in order to write better C#. Outside of work Andrew is a husband and father of 2 who enjoys playing bass guitar and making things in his shed.

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19/09/2024 6:00 pm

Location: Confused.com, 2nd floor, Greyfriars House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff (CF10 3AL)




iO Defence Series – An Interview with Stuart Warner

iO Associates are thrilled to introduce our latest episode in The Defence Series – An enlightening conversation with Stuart Warner, Head of Systems Engineering at Espanaro

During our insightful discussion, we delved into:

  • Stuart’s transition from BAE to Espanaro and the change in pace and environment that comes with moving to a smaller, nimble company.
  • How Espanaro is positioning itself with its engineering services in the defence sector and other industries.
  • The critical role of systems engineering within Espanaro’s operations and its importance in delivering complex engineering solutions.
  • Stuart’s personal journey from his physics background to becoming a systems engineering leader.
  • The increasing complexity and interconnectedness in defence technology and the essential role of systems engineering in managing technical challenges.

The ever-important aspect of cybersecurity in defence systems and Espanaro’s approach to building secure systems by design. Addressing the skill shortage in the industry and the importance of early career development in nurturing engineering talent. The unique challenges and opportunities in managing early career professionals versus experienced engineers. Espanaro’s thriving culture, focusing on making work a place where people enjoy what they do and ensuring they deliver what they promise.

As part of The Defence Series, we aim to connect individuals from diverse backgrounds – whether you have previous service history, are working within the MoD, or for a prime contractor, or if you are simply interested in learning more about the evolving landscape of defence engineering.

Stay tuned for more enlightening conversations in our Defence Series!

Alternatively, if you would like to join our LinkedIn Group to find out more and stay up to date with our latest events and insights, please click here.

Location: Online


Presented by:

Stuart Warner

Head of Systems Engineering , Espanaro

Connect with Stuart




Exceptional Security

Join us on Wednesday 25th September from 17:30 at FISCAL Technologies for two fascinating talks on ‘Exceptional Security’.

Event Details

The Talks

Shifting Left with Burp Suite – Danielle Dias (Senior Software Engineer, Just Eat Takeaway.com)

In this talk, Danielle will highlight the importance of a proactive “shift-left” strategy in cybersecurity, focusing on early detection of vulnerabilities. She’ll provide an overview of Burp Suite, a key web application testing tool, and demonstrate its features. Attendees will gain insights into common exploits and learn the basics of effective security testing.

How to avoid exceptions – Callum Linington (Principal Engineer, InsurX)

This talk explores the role of exceptions in programming, starting with a deep dive into why exceptions exist and the common pitfalls they introduce. We’ll examine the problems that exceptions can cause, such as code complexity, performance overhead, and difficulty in debugging. The session will then focus on alternative strategies for handling errors more gracefully, including the use of error codes, monads, and validation techniques. Finally, we’ll wrap up with practical tips and tricks to minimize the occurrence of exceptions and write more robust, maintainable code. This talk is essential for developers looking to enhance the reliability and efficiency of their software.


A big thank you to our hosts, FISCAL Technologies, who will be providing food & drink during the half-way break. Parking is available at the venue.

There are only 36 spots available, so RSVP to secure yours today.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 24th September!

Sign Up Now

25/09/2024 5:30 pm

Location: FISCAL Technologies Ltd, 448 Basingstoke Rd, Reading RG2 0LP




From idea to impact: what is a minimum viable product?

Minimum viable product (MVP) is a concept often used in product development. But what really is an MVP? And is that what we’re really doing?

Join us, and our event partner AND Digital, as we explore MVPs featuring an expert panel, including our special guest TBC, as we debate what these terms mean and explore how to choose the right approach for your circumstance.

Event Details

What to expect

  • A lively and interactive session
  • Audience participation
  • Perspectives from technology, product, delivery and experience design
  • Our special guest TBC
  • Free pizza and drinks

19/09/2024 6:00 pm

Location: iO Associates, St Bartholomew's House, Lewins Mead, BS1 2NH




Recruiter Panel

iO Associates are proud to be supporting Chester Devs over the next 12 months, delivering monthly events that provide programmers/developers the opportunity to hear a talk from an industry expert, share experiences and, of course, enjoy some pizza.

On Tuesday 3rd September, join us, as we take part in Chester Devs’ annual Recruiter Panel, providing members with a valuable opportunity to ask questions, hear more on the latest hiring trends, and gain valuable knowledge to support their tech career.

Come and join us and find out more about iO Associates and ask the questions that matter to you.

The Details

  • Date: Tuesday 3rd September
  • Time: 7pm – 9pm
  • Location: That Beer Place, 116 Foregate Street, Chester (CH1 1HB)
  • Register: RSVP on Meetup.com to secure your spot

03/09/2024 7:00 pm

Location: That Beer Place, 116 Foregate Street, Chester, CH1 1HB




Creating, Maintaining & Evolving Secure IT Environments

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the security of IT environments is paramount. At this Defence Meetup, we’ll explore the unique challenges and opportunities faced by defence and national security sectors in the UK. We will discuss best practices, innovative solutions, and strategic approaches to ensure robust and resilient IT infrastructures.

Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday 17th September
  • Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
  • Location: Zoom
  • Register: Complete the registration form at the bottom of this page to secure your spot

The Talks

Policy driven decision making to remove subjectivity and reduce cognitive thinking – Dan Edmunds (Founder, Espanaro Ltd.)

This concise and impactful presentation demonstrates how implementing policy-driven decision making can transform the way your organisation operates, ensuring that every decision aligns with your strategic goals. Discover how policies provide a consistent framework that enhances efficiency, accountability, and risk management, all while driving your organisation toward long-term success.

Dan explores the tangible benefits of this approach, including streamlined decision processes, clear accountability, and reduced risks, backed by real-world examples that showcase both successful implementations and common challenges. The talk shows how adopting a policy-driven approach can not only improve decision-making but also empower your organisation to adapt and thrive in a dynamic environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how policy-driven decision making can be a game-changer for your business.

PKI as a Business Enabler – Todd Beldham (Founder, Unsung Ltd.)

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a critical business-enabling technology. Understanding the value of PKI is essential as it underpins the trust and security of their organization’s digital ecosystem. By implementing PKI, businesses can enhance their cybersecurity posture, comply with regulatory requirements, and build trust with customers and partners.
Todd’s talk will highlight the various business enabling technologies and innovations, that are reliant on a well-managed and maintained PKI.

The Speakers

Dan Edmunds

Dan Edmunds is the founder of Espanaro Ltd, a company dedicated to developing innovative tools that enhance organisational decision-making. With a deep background in business strategy and technology, Dan has been at the forefront of creating solutions that help organisations align their actions with their strategic goals.
Dan’s most notable achievement is the development of Consilium, a cutting-edge policy-driven decision-making tool. Consilium is designed to provide organisations with a robust framework for making consistent, accountable, and efficient decisions. Under Dan’s leadership, Espanaro Ltd has successfully integrated Consilium into various sectors, helping businesses and institutions streamline their decision processes while ensuring alignment with their core policies and objectives.

Todd Beldham

Todd Beldham is the founder of Unsung Limited, a niche IT Security consultancy specialising in PKI. With over 23 years of experience in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Todd has a profound understanding of cryptographic principles and their application in securing digital communications. They have successfully designed and implemented PKI solutions for various customers in the defence sector, ensuring robust security and compliance with industry standards. His expertise extends to managing large-scale PKI deployments, certificate lifecycle management, and integrating PKI with other security technologies.
Unsung are known for their strategic vision and technical acumen, they have contributed to numerous projects that have enhanced the security posture of organizations within the UK and worldwide. Their dedication to continuous learning and innovation has made them a respected consultancy in the field of PKI.

Sign Up Now

17/09/2024 6:00 pm

Location: Online




SheLeads Health: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon characterised by persistent self-doubt and feelings of fraudulence despite evident success, has emerged as a significant concern among leaders within the UK healthcare sector. This pervasive sense of inadequacy not only undermines the confidence of high-achieving individuals but also poses a risk to their mental well-being and leadership effectiveness.

In this panel discussion, in partnership with SheLeads Health: Women in NHS and Healthcare IT, a vibrant community dedicated to empowering and connecting female leaders within the NHS and Healthcare IT sectors, we explore imposter syndrome from four unique perspectives. Our speakers will share their own personal experiences, while sharing the techniques they have used to overcome feelings of inadequacy.

The Details

  • Date: Thursday 19th September
  • Time: 6pm – 7:30pm
  • Location: Zoom (link shared after registration)
  • Theme: Imposter Syndrome
  • Register: Complete the registration form at the bottom of this page to secure your spot

Our Panel

Charlotte Scott – Executive General Manager, MEDITECH UK & Ireland

I have worked for MEDITECH for over 15 years having started in the UK based team as 1 of 7 staff members to now heading up the UK and Ireland business with nearly 50 people in our team. Our culture is very team focussed, we work hard together to ensure we can enjoy the successes together. I am passionate about ensuring our staff feel supported from a mental health and wellbeing perspective, and am delighted that a number of our initiatives are driven internally by our MHFAs and Wellbeing Ambassadors.

I have felt the impact of imposter syndrome more so in the last 18 months since my promotion to Executive General Manager. Whilst on the whole I have grown in confidence both personally and professionally I quite often have days/moments where I question myself and certainly compare myself to others in the industry. This can be based on when I consider my career path to date, my education compared to others, my accent even, there are triggers that lead to feeling inadequate and result in me questioning my capabilities. I have on the whole associated it with being female and changes in hormones as I have aged, however, recently I have learned that some men experience it as well.

Gozie OloyeClinical Systems Analyst, NHS England

I have spent over a decade immersed in the world of biomedical science, navigating the complexities of a bustling hospital pathology lab. Witnessing first-hand the challenges scientists face daily in delivering accurate results in a timely manner, ignited a passion for improving healthcare processes. This drive led me to transition into healthcare IT, where I leverage my scientific knowledge with technology to develop tech solutions that improve diagnosis, treatment and overall patient experience.

I have battled with imposter syndrome, but by recognizing my unique skill set and a focus on delivering value, I’ve found my footing. I’ve learned that combining technical expertise with a strong understanding of healthcare processes is invaluable. I now support lab scientists like me and healthcare professionals looking to make a similar transition by harnessing the power of technology to improve patient outcomes.

Terry Murphy – Cognitive Therapist, Strat180

I’m Terry Murphy I’m a husband and father to 2 grown ups. Qualified Coach and Cognitive Therapist. have worked in the healthtech space for 30 years. People are my business and I am motivated to help others with their life strategies. I remember a time in my early 20s when I literally felt good for nothing. I had this cycle of self condemnation that felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I couldn’t move.

Charlotte John – Former COO, Meditation and Mindset Coach

With over 30 years of frontline NHS and digital health experience, I have climbed from C-Grade to the C-Suite despite having no formal education. Throughout my career, I have navigated the challenges of imposter syndrome often feeling like an outsider in spaces where traditional qualifications are expected and required.

However, these experiences have shaped who I am today with a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to inclusive leadership, and I now share my story to empower others facing similar challenges.

Chaired by Helen Mutton – Director of UK Operations at Alcidion

My career in healthcare IT has been a journey of dedication and growth. As the Director of UK Operations at Alcidion, I draw on over 20 years of experience, but my professional path began much more modestly as a chemist counter assistant at Boots in Clacton-on-Sea.

Like many, I have faced imposter syndrome, yet I’ve worked hard to ignore the intrusive thoughts and I now lead a team committed to enhancing patient care through innovative solutions. I also founded SheLeads Health, a LinkedIn group that promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion, as I believe strongly in these values. My journey has taught me that by focusing on our strengths, building strong relationships, and striving to make a positive impact, we can overcome self-doubt and achieve meaningful progress in our careers.

About SheLeads Health

SheLeads Health: Women in NHS & Healthcare IT is a vibrant community dedicated to empowering and connecting female leaders within the NHS and Healthcare IT sectors. Our purpose is to provide a dynamic platform for networking, fostering meaningful connections, and facilitating professional growth. We welcome individuals of all genders, backgrounds, and orientations to join us in our mission to create a safe and inclusive space where everyone’s voice is valued. By sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and collaborating, we aim to inspire, empower, and drive positive change in the healthcare industry.

Sign Up Now

19/09/2024 6:00 pm

Location: Zoom




Data Leaders: Leveraging AI

As AI continues to shape our landscape, join fellow Data Leaders in Manchester, as we host a breakfast roundtable, in partnership with Classic Football Shirts, discussing how to leverage AI for competitive advantage while maintaining ethical and compliant practices.

Connect with fellow Data Leaders over a breakfast of pastries and tea/coffee before our roundtable chaired by Paul Heath.

This is a fantastic opportunity to engage with the opportunities, as well as the challenges, of incorporating AI into your Data Strategy, sharing valuable insights, and discussing potential solutions.

Event Details

Our Chair

The discussion will be chaired by Data Leader, Paul Heath. Passionate about unlocking business potential with data and insights, Paul has over 20 years experience in Data and Analytics.
Over the last 9 years, as Director of Data Engineering at Kitbag (now Fanatics), Paul’s Data strategy helped the business grow from an SME to a global player operating in Petabytes of Data.

Now at Classic Football Shirts, Paul is now looking to drive similar growth through effective data strategy.


17/09/2024 7:30 am

Location: Dakota Hotel, 29 Ducie St, Manchester M1 2JL


Presented by:

Paul Heath

Head of Data, Classic Football Shirts

Connect with Paul




.NET Edinburgh – Lightning Evening

In collaboration with .NET Edinburgh, we welcome three speakers for an evening of lightning talks.

Event Details

The Talks

Andy Lamb – Memory management in .net
James Wiseman – C# Lambdas and Expression Trees
Stewart Pavitt – One click solutions with cloud and the cost implications

Sign Up Now

14/08/2024 6:30 pm

Location: Tanfield, 1 Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DA




DC Data & AI Happy Hour

Join us on Wednesday, July 31st at the Ireland’s Four Courts, Arlington VA.

These meetups are a perfect opportunity for data and AI professionals in the DC area to engage in thoughtful discussions, share insights, and network in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, July 31st
  • Time: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
  • Venue: Ireland’s Four Courts, Arlington VA.
  • Theme: Data, AI, and Networking
  • Register: Complete the registration form at the bottom of this page to secure your spot

We are excited to be growing this community in DC, making each meetup a chance for professionals, students, and anyone enthusiastic about data and AI to connect and learn.

Your hosts, Christian and Joe will be eagerly waiting to welcome you by the bar!

We are excited to be building a space for collaboration, learning, and networking for Data & AI professionals in DC. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Sign Up Now

31/07/2024 6:30 pm

Location: 2051 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201